Central Oakland

Meet the '24-'25 Central Oakland Ambassadors!

Jules Depro

Jules (she/her) is a fourth-year psychology major & sociology minor at the University of Pittsburgh. She is returning for her third year as the student leader for the Oakland Community Ambassadors. She is from the Eastern side of PA, in Montgomery County. Jules wants to enter into the health psychology research field. Outside of school, she enjoys hobbies such as crocheting and music. She is a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon Eta chapter and is a research assistant in a few psychology labs on campus. She is excited to work more in the community and meet more neighbors during her final year at Pitt. 

Lauren Angus

Lauren (she/her) is a senior chemistry major studying at the University of Pittsburgh. She is from Mars, PA. She has experience volunteering in the city of Pittsburgh with projects such as Downtown Beautification and hopes to help connect the community of Oakland. Lauren also volunteers for the Red Cross, and is part of Phi Sigma Rho as the VP of Standards. 

Carmelo Mazzotta

Carmelo Mazzotta is a junior at the University of Pittsburgh. He is enrolled in a major in Environmental Studies with a minor in Creative Writing. Last year, Carmelo worked on Treasure Trove, a project which organized free furniture redistribution for students within Pittsburgh! Carmelo will be a Central Oakland Ambassador during the 2024-25 school year!!