Hail to Off-Campus Student Services! We are committed to ensuring that students are knowledgeable renters. Our mission is to provide students with the information and tools needed to successfully reside in off-campus accommodations. Our services can help you find housing and roommates, resources to safely live off-campus, and the support you’ll need to be a responsible neighbor – from renter’s guides to apartment listings to useful tips, we’re at your service.
Check out this Canvas course for extensive resources about what to consider when moving off-campus. Use the discussion board to connect with OCSS staff and other students.
Student and staff groups, classes, and other groups can request a presentation for your organization about our services using this link: https://pitt.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7V5AKvI3jQbkj1s.
Interested in becoming an Oakland Community Ambassador for the next school year? Learn more and apply here.